Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood Knows How to Kick Some Bum !

            Once upon a time, there was a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She was given that nickname due to the fact that she always wore a red cloak every time she went out. Her mother told her one morning that her grandma was ill, so she gave her a basket of fruit to go give to her.

"Be careful out there." Her mother said. "The woods can be very dangerous."

"I'll be sure to be careful mom." She replied with a secretive smile on her face as she walked away and waved goodbye. When she was at a good distance away from the town, she cut through a path that led to a secluded area where a shed was. Inside, was her pink motorcycle. After getting it out of the shed, she locked up the doors and sped off through the forest towards her grandmothers house.

On the way there, she came across a wolf. Stomping on the brakes she said, "Why are you standing there on the path when you can clearly see me coming?"

"I was a bit curious as to why you were in such a hurry, little one." The wolf answered nicely.

"Well, I'm here to visit my grandma who's ill. She lives just outside this forest."

"Oh, she's sick?" The wolf already had a plot forming in his head. "If you take that path, you'll get there in no time." He pointed behind him. "Well, I won't waste your time anymore." With that he disappeared into the bushes. The wolf then ran towards the nearest shortcut towards the sick granny's house, he had enough time before the little girl with the motorcycle and basket arrived.

Little Red Riding Hood sat there confused as to why a wolf would help her. With a shrug of her shoulders she went down the path the wolf had just told her. It actually took her twice as long, and she vowed to bust a cap up the wolf's a** the next time she saw him.

When she arrived, she killed the engine of her motorcycle and grabbed the basket and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Came a voice.

"It's me grandma, Little Red Riding Hood."

"Come in."

When she opened the door she stood in front of her grandma who was currently tucked in her bed. She then asked in a questioning voice. "Grandma, why does your voice sound different?"

"I am sick dearie, remember?"

"Oh..My, grandma what big ears you have." She said stepping closer.

"Better to hear you with, my dear."

"Grandma...What big eyes you have."

"Better to see you with, my dear."

"Grandma..What big teeth you have." Little Red Riding Hood was starting to get suspicious and put the basket down.

"Better to eat you with, my dear." The wolf jumped off the bed and made his way towards her.

"OHMYGOD WOLF. Give my back my grandma !!" She reached into her cloak and pulled out her sniper rifle and shot him through the head without using the scope. Grabbing her battle knife, she ripped open the wolf and retrieved her grandma.

A woodsman broke through the door with a look of urgency on his face. "Where's the wolf?!" He scanned the room and saw that the wolf was on the floor, ripped open with a little girl in a red cloak soaked with blood retrieving her grandma out of the remains.

"Don't worry, I got it. This is why they call me Little Red Riding Hood." She smiled sweetly to the woodsman (who just stared at her with a dumbstruck face) and set her boggled grandmother onto the dining chair. When she turned back to to talk to the woodsman, he was gone. Oh well, she thought as she grinned at her grandma. "Don't tell mom about this, she'd have a heart attack."

"I know dearie, she'd find out I supplied you with all that gear. What happens here stays between you and me. I shouldn't have let my guard down, that stupid wolf got the best of me for once. Thanks for saving me, my lovely granddaughter."

"I learned from the best."

They both laughed whole-heartedly and ate the fresh fruits that she had in the basket. The woodsman who was already walking on home felt a chill go though his spine hearing their laughs. They were definitely a messed up lot.

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